Brian Burns

Full Stack Web Developer


I've been programming for 40 years now, and have developed applications in a variety of languages and frameworks - most recently focusing on front end web development with React. I also do data engineering and machine learning with Python.

I have a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin, a B.S. in Physics (summa cum laude) from the University of Houston, with a minor in Mathematics.

I live in Cedar Park near Austin, Texas, USA.

My resume is available here.


Web Development - React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Google Cloud Platform, Firebase Authentication / Firestore / Hosting.
Data Engineering - Python, Pandas, PostgreSQL, ETL (extract, transform, load), basic machine learning (clustering, regression).

Projects - a simple map-based travel planner made with React, Google Maps API, Firebase Authentication / Firestore db / Hosting, Jest, TypeScript. - a map-based neighborhood guide made with React, Leaflet, Mapbox, Google Cloud Platform, Firebase, Python, Pandas.
RelocateMe - another neighborhood guide made with React, Redux, Google Maps API, Node, Express.
ArtTour - a travel planner made with React, Google Maps API, Node, Express, Nginx.
Quilty - a quilt design explorer made with React and d3.
PyVoyager - stabilized movies of Voyager 1 and 2 flybys made with Python, OpenCV. Movies
RAFT - a project and resource management tool made with Microsoft Access and Excel.

